Werner Restoration
Blog Post
There are families right here in the Quad Cities who are going hungry. That’s why Werner Restoration is proud to help provide holiday dinners for 100 local families. 100 (meals) in a day, sponsored by Werner Restoration,aims to feed Thanksgiving dinner to 100 area families. Area residents are asked to drop off donations on Saturday, Nov. 14, between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m., at Bettendorf Hy-Vee on Devil’s Glen Road.Werner Restoration owners Ken and Teresa Werner are donating $500 to help reach the goal.
All donations will be distributed by River Bend Foodbank to local families. “We have an abundance of blessings and want to be sure that other families are blessed as well,” explains Jaclyn Thompson, vice president of business development at Werner. “This is an opportunity for families to focus on what is important during this season – not worry about being hungry.”
Hunger could impact your neighbor, a single mother who just lost her job. It could touch the third grader at your door trick or treating. It could haunt a young family who can’t make ends meet. And you may never know that a person is going hungry. In the Quad Cities, River Bend Foodbank and its local agencies serve more than 16,500 men, women and children every week. And 34 percent of the people served by the Foodbank are under 18 years old.
The following are items being collected for each Thanksgiving meal:
Monetary donations can be made out to River Bend Foodbank. River Bend Foodbank is the largest hunger relief organization in the Quad Cities and surrounding communities, distributing more than 7.3 million meals annually to more than 300 charitable feeding programs in eastern Iowa and western Illinois.
Join Werner Restoration on Saturday Nov. 14, to help put a delicious Thanksgiving meal on the table for 100 area families.
June 10, 2020
May 31, 2018
May 31, 2018